Smith - Daniel Family Tree
Garner Family Tree
Roger Daniel Hypothetical Family Tree
400 Years in America, Our Family Origins
Daniel Genographic Map
Download the genealogy file: 16.7z
The Potter-Daniel Feud:
Old West Magazine story: The Daniel-Potter Feud of 1883
The Other Side of the Feud
Jack's Story - Trials and Hairbreadth Escapes
A Story of A Long Time Ago - Will Jones
George Shields Recollection
Threads of Destiny - Jessie Lee Smith Dunn Hill
Ancient Family History:
Queen Isabella's Revenge
Isabella of Angouleme, Kidnapped Bride
A Cage for Isabella MacDuff
The Witches of Shropshire - witchcraft, dispute, or just a fraud
Items in progress
16.7z 7z File [2.3 MB]
Jack's Story - Trials and Hairbreadth EscapesJack$27s+Book
Jack$27s+Book.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [161.3 KB]
George Shields Recollectiongeorgeshields
georgeshields.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [8.6 KB]
The Witches of Shropshire - witchcraft, dispute, or just a fraudThe+Witches+of+Shropshire
The+Witches+of+Shropshire.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [9.3 KB]